Benefits of Yoga
Yoga Relieves Stress
Stress is the most destructive factor in our society today.
It eats away at our physical body
It negatively affects our mental / emotional states.
Stress is leading cause of disease /depression in our culture, making stress management a necessity
Yoga can be considered technology for getting back in touch with our true essence and ourselves. It is a way of remembering the health and wholeness that is our natural state of being.
Yoga, when broken down to its most simple form, is breathing and feeling. Through this breathing and feeling we learn to control our reactions to events and people. It is not the events and people in our lives that give us stress but the way we react to them. What makes yoga unique in terms of stress reduction is its multifaceted approach. By working at the physical and psychological levels concurrently, yoga reduces stress on both these levels.
massages skeletal system which supports bone mass and growth
Steady, even breathing reduces stress
Massages the internal organs
Reduces high blood pressure
Nerves are massaged and stretched, conducting calming messages throughout the body.
Affirmations about peace, calm, and tranquility are conveyed to the nervous system.
Yoga brings greater relationship with others and our lives.
Helpful in releasing addictive behaviors.
Brings awareness to emotional blocks that limit our experience of life.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical doctor, and all content on this site is meant for informational purposes only.
Please let your medical practitioner know before you start any type of yoga practice.