12 Step Recovery
Yoga and Recovery from Addiction
Yoga complements recovery from addictions - it's a self-constructive rather than a self-destructive behavior. Yoga teaches one to take care of our bodies that have been abused, and release stress that can lead to addictive behavior.
Emotionally yoga increases self-worth and self-esteem by teaching addicts to feel comfortable in their own skin, as well as using positive affirmations.
Spiritually, yoga fosters a connection to one's inner spirit, or even a higher power, which leads to increased courage, hope and trust.
Yoga Helps Addicts - be it an addiction to alcohol / drugs, food or even co-dependency - to HEAL.
Addicts are uncomfortable in their own skin vs yoga which helps them find that comfortability and ease
Addictions cause separation from ourselves and others vs yoga which brings connection to ourselves and others.
Addictions cause anxiety and depression vs yoga which fosters calm and positive feelings
Addictions create shame and low self-worth vs. yoga which brings healing and improved self-esteem
Reccommended reading: Healing Addiction with Yoga: A Program for People in 12 Step Recovery, by Annalisea Cunningham
websites: http://www.the12stepbuddhist.com http://www.yogaof12steprecovery.com http://www.yogaofrecovery.com